Updated guidance on complaints about costs 26/03/2024 Updated guidance on complaints about costs Tagged: Costs Guidance Costs Guidance
Guidance: An ombudsman’s view of good costs service – second edition 26/03/2024 Guidance: An ombudsman’s view of good costs service – second edition Tagged: Guidance
Guidance: our approach to determining complaints 26/03/2024 Guidance: our approach to determining complaints Tagged: Guidance
Our approach during the COVID-19 pandemic 26/03/2024 Approach during COVID-19 Pandemic Tagged: Guidance
Legal Ombudsman launches new course for legal sector 26/03/2024 Legal Ombudsman launches new course for legal sector Tagged: Guidance
Annual complaints data overview 2019/20 26/03/2024 An overview of the annual complaints data and lessons for the legal sector Tagged: Guidance
Guidance: Responding to challenging situations 26/03/2024 Guidance on responding to challenging situations Tagged: Guidance
Guidance: Our approach to putting things right 26/03/2024 Guidance: Our approach to putting things right Tagged: Guidance
LeO Mythbusters article - beneficiaries 19/06/2024 This article is part of LeO News, edition 24. Tagged: Newsletter Guidance
Consumer guidance on Scheme Rules changes 26/03/2024 Consumer guidance on what the changes mean for consumers Tagged: Guidance on Scheme Rules
Preventing complaints 26/03/2024 Guidance and resources which highlight best practice in customer service and the key drivers for complaints Tagged: Preventing complaints Annual complaints data good costs services case studies good complaints handling training and events
Legal Ombudsman proposes technical changes to Scheme Rules 26/03/2024 Legal Ombudsman proposes technical changes to Scheme Rules Tagged: Guidance Scheme Rules Office for Legal Complaints Consultation
Signposting consumers to the Legal Ombudsman 24/06/2024 This signposting pack has been created to help you meet the statutory requirements. It includes suggested text you could use to signpost customers to the Legal Ombudsman (LeO) and when you should do this. Tagged: Signposting Consumer resources FAQs factsheets guidance Signpost
Using a legal service provider 26/03/2024 Guidance on using legal service providers. Tagged: Consumer resources FAQs factsheets Conveyancing lawyer Divorce lawyer stamp duty home buyers first time buyers consumer factsheets good costs services Ombudsman decision data decision data