Scheme Rules FAQs (from April 2023) 26/03/2024 Updated guidance on our Scheme Rules. Including frequently asked questions and case studies. Tagged: Scheme Rules Scheme Rules FAQs
Signposting consumers to the Legal Ombudsman 24/06/2024 This signposting pack has been created to help you meet the statutory requirements. It includes suggested text you could use to signpost customers to the Legal Ombudsman (LeO) and when you should do this. Tagged: Signposting Consumer resources FAQs factsheets guidance Signpost
Complaints process 26/03/2024 Our resources help consumers make informed choices about resolving a complaint with their legal service provider. Tagged: case studies FAQs factsheets accessibility make a complaint
Corporate Publications 26/03/2024 Corporate publications including annual reports, business plans and board information Tagged: Corporate resources FAQs Governance Reports and Plans Consultations Corporate policies
The LeO Process 26/03/2024 Guidance and resources on the ombudsman scheme Tagged: How we work Our approach Scheme Rules FAQs case studies LeO process
Technical advice desk 26/03/2024 Advice line for technical queries from service providers Tagged: How we work Our approach Scheme Rules FAQs case studies LeO process complaint handling advice
Information Centre 26/03/2024 All the key information, data, plans and reports from the Legal Ombudsman. Tagged: Information centre Corporate resources Learning resources Data centre FAQs Case studies news
Using a legal service provider 26/03/2024 Guidance on using legal service providers. Tagged: Consumer resources FAQs factsheets Conveyancing lawyer Divorce lawyer stamp duty home buyers first time buyers consumer factsheets good costs services Ombudsman decision data decision data