Blog by Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC 26/03/2024 Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC, provides an update on the Legal Ombudsman's Annual Report and Accounts 2022/23 Tagged: Board blog Office for Legal Complaints Annual Report
Service provider advice line 26/03/2024 Service provider advice line - Legal Ombudsman Tagged: Legal Ombudsman service
OLC Annual Report and Accounts published 26/03/2024 The Office for Legal Complaints has published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2020/21. This report covers the year from April 2020 to March 2021. Tagged: Annual Report Press release
Bringing a complaint to us 26/03/2024 Guidance and resources on how you can bring your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman. Tagged: factsheets representative authority form complaint form scheme rules helping prisoners complaining
Blog by Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC 26/03/2024 Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC, provides an update on the Legal Ombudsman's 21/22 Business Plan Tagged: Board blog Newsletter Office for Legal Complaints
Preventing complaints 30/09/2024 Guidance and resources which highlight best practice in customer service and the key drivers for complaints Tagged: Preventing complaints Annual complaints data good costs services case studies good complaints handling training and events
Complaints process 26/03/2024 Our resources help consumers make informed choices about resolving a complaint with their legal service provider. Tagged: case studies FAQs factsheets accessibility make a complaint
OLC Board update 26/03/2024 Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the Office for Legal Complaints (OLC), provides an update on the OLC's board meeting. Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints Board blog
Consultation: Business Plan and Budget 2021/22 26/03/2024 Consultation on the Office for Legal Complaints Business Plan and Budget 2021/22 Tagged: Consultation Office for Legal Complaints strategy and business plan governance
LeO News, edition 25 26/03/2024 Our newsletter updates our service providers on our latest activities and events, and features helpful guidance and informatoin for the legal service profession. Tagged: Newsletter
Customer Service Principles 26/03/2024 This page sets out the values and the customer service principles that provide the framework for how the Legal Ombudsman resolves disputes, conducts investigations and engages with stakeholders. The core values are: open, fair, independent, effecitive. The customer service principles are: we will always be clear with you / we will be understanding and approachable / we will make good use of everyone's time / we will be impartial, thorough and base our work on facts / we will make a difference. Tagged: complaints handling resolving disputes customer service principles
Blog by Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC 26/03/2024 This article is part of LeO News, edition 24. Tagged: Newsletter Board blog Office for Legal Complaints
Managing unacceptable behaviour policy 02/12/2024 The Legal Ombudsman's guidance on managing unacceptable behaviour policy while in contact with someone using our service Tagged: consumer factsheets
Equality, diversity and inclusion 07/08/2024 The Legal Ombudsman has a strategy for ensuring that the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are at the heart of everything we do – both as an employer and as a public service. Tagged: equality diversity inclusion