Registers of interests and expenses 19/11/2024 Registers for the OLC, Senior Management and Ombudsman team Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
How We Work 26/03/2024 Every year we help resolve thousands of complaints about the legal service from consumers who are unhappy with their legal service provider. Tagged: common complaints Scheme Rules governance case studies Consumers Ombudsman regulated firms
Reports and plans 21/08/2024 A summary of corporate reports and plans: Annual Report, Strategy and Business Plans and other corporate areas Tagged: Annual Report Strategy and business plan Reports and Plans Business plan and budget Service Complaint Adjudicator Report Gender pay gap report governance
OLC Operating framework 26/03/2024 Section 117 of the Legal Services Act requires the Legal Ombudsman to “have regard to such generally accepted principles of good corporate governance as it is reasonable to regard as applicable to it”. The purpose of this document is to demonstrate how the OLC is discharging this obligation under the Act. Tagged: OLC Operating framework OLC Office for Legal Complaints
Performance data 14/05/2024 Performance Data for the Legal Ombudsman Tagged: Data centre Key Performance Indicators performance data
Inclusive service policy statement 26/03/2024 inclusive service policy statement Tagged: Inclusive service policy statement Legal Ombudsman service Legal Ombudsman customers Legal Ombudsman committment service policy
Guidance: Scheme Rules 26/03/2024 Guidance on the scheme rules Tagged: Scheme Rules Legal Ombudsman Scheme
If you are unhappy with the service we have provided 15/07/2024 This factsheet tells you what actions you can take if you're unhappy with the service you have received from us. Tagged: complaint about Legal Ombudsman Factsheets
Working for us 10/12/2024 Are you thinking about joining us? Here you can find out more about what we do, why it matters, the part you could play and what we offer our people. You can also read about our commitment to being an equal, diverse and inclusive place to work – and what that means for you. Tagged: Careers Jobs Vacancies
OLC announce new appointments 26/03/2024 This article is part of LeO News, edition 24. Tagged: Chief Ombudsman Chief Operating Officer
Governance 06/08/2024 Information about the OLC and governance Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints Governance Legal Ombudsman Scheme Legal Service Board Executive Team Board OLC
Blog by Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC 26/03/2024 Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC, provides an update on the Legal Ombudsman's 21/22 Business Plan Tagged: Board blog Newsletter Office for Legal Complaints
Scheme Rules 14/05/2024 Overview of the scheme rules Tagged: Scheme Rules Legal Ombudsman Scheme Governance How we work
Customer Service Principles 26/03/2024 This page sets out the values and the customer service principles that provide the framework for how the Legal Ombudsman resolves disputes, conducts investigations and engages with stakeholders. The core values are: open, fair, independent, effecitive. The customer service principles are: we will always be clear with you / we will be understanding and approachable / we will make good use of everyone's time / we will be impartial, thorough and base our work on facts / we will make a difference. Tagged: complaints handling resolving disputes customer service principles
Transparency and Reporting Impact 18/07/2024 A discussion paper on the options for publishing a wider range of information data about the decisions and complaints investigated by the Legal Ombudsman Tagged: Consultation Transparency governance