Customer Service Principles 26/03/2024 This page sets out the values and the customer service principles that provide the framework for how the Legal Ombudsman resolves disputes, conducts investigations and engages with stakeholders. The core values are: open, fair, independent, effecitive. The customer service principles are: we will always be clear with you / we will be understanding and approachable / we will make good use of everyone's time / we will be impartial, thorough and base our work on facts / we will make a difference. Tagged: complaints handling resolving disputes customer service principles
Stamp duty - feedback for lawyers 26/03/2024 We have put together some tips, based on our experience of resolving disputes around stamp duty, which may help you to ensure your clients aren’t being hit with any nasty surprises. Tagged: stamp duty Legal Ombudsman or CLC? lawyer information solicitor information
Transparency and Reporting Impact 18/07/2024 A discussion paper on the options for publishing a wider range of information data about the decisions and complaints investigated by the Legal Ombudsman Tagged: Consultation Transparency governance
Our responses to consultations 26/03/2024 Responses sent by the Legal Ombudsman to other organisations consultations and discussions. Tagged: Closed consultations Consultation responses governance
Our recent engagement: listening and learning 26/03/2024 We regularly engage with a range of organisations with a shared interest in better legal services and dispute resolution. We’ve recently delivered training, attended conferences, as well as meeting with the with the Legal Services Consumer Panel and ombudsman schemes from across the UK and Ireland. Tagged: LeO News Engagement Insight Events
No poor service - conveyancing complaint 26/03/2024 Case study where it was found by the Legal Ombudsman that there was no poor service given... Tagged: Resolving complaints
Managing unacceptable behaviour policy 02/12/2024 The Legal Ombudsman's guidance on managing unacceptable behaviour policy while in contact with someone using our service Tagged: consumer factsheets
Client not advised about six month rule 26/03/2024 A woman who complained to her solicitor she had not been properly represented in court was not sign-posted to the Legal Ombudsman Tagged: Six month limit Our rules
OLC Board update 26/03/2024 Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the Office for Legal Complaints (OLC), provides an update on the OLC's board meeting. Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints Board blog
Policy statement: Publishing our decisions 26/03/2024 The Legal Services Act 2007 allows the Office for Legal Complaints (OLC) to publish reports of investigations or Ombudsman decisions if it considers it “appropriate to do so in any particular case”. In considering what the OLC considers to be “appropriate” for publication, it has been guided by the regulatory objectives of the Legal Services Act. Tagged: Publishing decisions Corporate policies Policy statement
Policy Statement - Publishing our Decisions 26/03/2024 Our Policy Statement 2020 sets out why we publish the final decisions made by an ombudsman. Tagged: Policy statement Publishing decisions
Celebrating Black History Month 26/03/2024 This article is part of LeO News, edition 24. Tagged: Newsletter
Blog by Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC 26/03/2024 Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC, provides an update on the Legal Ombudsman's 21/22 Business Plan Tagged: Board blog Newsletter Office for Legal Complaints