Complaints process 26/03/2024 Our resources help consumers make informed choices about resolving a complaint with their legal service provider. Tagged: case studies FAQs factsheets accessibility make a complaint
Improved case studies – helping to resolve and prevent complaints 26/03/2024 We’ve updated our online case studies to make them more relevant, accessible and useful. Tagged: Cybercrime case studies Learning from complaints Learning resources
Information Centre 26/03/2024 All the key information, data, plans and reports from the Legal Ombudsman. Tagged: Information centre Corporate resources Learning resources Data centre FAQs Case studies news
How We Work 26/03/2024 Every year we help resolve thousands of complaints about the legal service from consumers who are unhappy with their legal service provider. Tagged: common complaints Scheme Rules governance case studies Consumers Ombudsman regulated firms
The LeO Process 26/03/2024 Guidance and resources on the ombudsman scheme Tagged: How we work Our approach Scheme Rules FAQs case studies LeO process
Technical advice desk 26/03/2024 Advice line for technical queries from service providers Tagged: How we work Our approach Scheme Rules FAQs case studies LeO process complaint handling advice
Preventing complaints 26/03/2024 Guidance and resources which highlight best practice in customer service and the key drivers for complaints Tagged: Preventing complaints Annual complaints data good costs services case studies good complaints handling training and events