Ombudsman decision data 11/02/2025 Data about the decisions made by ombudsman. Tagged: performance data decision data KPIs
Data centre 11/02/2025 Data about organisational performance, complaints and ombudsman decisions. Tagged: Data centre Peformance data Complaints data decision data Research and reports
Complaints data 05/12/2024 Data about the complaints we resolve each year. Tagged: Complaints data Data centre performance data
Performance data 14/05/2024 Performance Data for the Legal Ombudsman Tagged: Data centre Key Performance Indicators performance data
Legal Ombudsman 2023/24 annual complaints data and insight 06/12/2024 Legal Ombudsman 2023/24 annual complaints data and insight
Legal Ombudsman 2023/24 annual complaints data and insight 05/12/2024 Legal Ombudsman 2023/24 annual complaints data and insight
Annual complaints data overview 2019/20 26/03/2024 An overview of the annual complaints data and lessons for the legal sector Tagged: Guidance
Legal Ombudsman welcomes new Chief Ombudsman 26/03/2024 Legal Ombudsman welcomes new Chief Ombudsman Tagged: Chief Ombudsman
Legal Ombudsman announces new Chief Ombudsman 26/03/2024 Legal Ombudsman announces new Chief Ombudsman Tagged: Chief Ombudsman
Chief Ombudsman announces new position 26/03/2024 Chief Ombudsman announces new position Tagged: Chief Ombudsman Press release
Additional support from the Legal Ombudsman 06/08/2024 This section provides guidance on additional accessibility support from the Legal Ombudsman.
Information Centre 26/03/2024 All the key information, data, plans and reports from the Legal Ombudsman. Tagged: Information centre Corporate resources Learning resources Data centre FAQs Case studies news
The transfer of CMC complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service 25/09/2024 The transfer of CMC complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service Tagged: factsheets CMCs CMC complaints transfer
Legal Ombudsman updates Scheme Rules 26/03/2024 Legal Ombudsman updates Scheme Rules Tagged: Scheme Rules Office for Legal Complaints