Service provider advice line 26/03/2024 Service provider advice line - Legal Ombudsman Tagged: Legal Ombudsman service
OLC Annual Report and Accounts published 26/03/2024 The Office for Legal Complaints has published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2020/21. This report covers the year from April 2020 to March 2021. Tagged: Annual Report Press release
Bringing a complaint to us 26/03/2024 Guidance and resources on how you can bring your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman. Tagged: factsheets representative authority form complaint form scheme rules helping prisoners complaining
Blog by Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC 26/03/2024 Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC, provides an update on the Legal Ombudsman's 21/22 Business Plan Tagged: Board blog Newsletter Office for Legal Complaints
Complaints process 26/03/2024 Our resources help consumers make informed choices about resolving a complaint with their legal service provider. Tagged: case studies FAQs factsheets accessibility make a complaint
OLC Board update 26/03/2024 Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the Office for Legal Complaints (OLC), provides an update on the OLC's board meeting. Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints Board blog
Consultation: Business Plan and Budget 2021/22 26/03/2024 Consultation on the Office for Legal Complaints Business Plan and Budget 2021/22 Tagged: Consultation Office for Legal Complaints strategy and business plan governance
LeO News, edition 25 26/03/2024 Our newsletter updates our service providers on our latest activities and events, and features helpful guidance and informatoin for the legal service profession. Tagged: Newsletter
Blog by Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC 26/03/2024 This article is part of LeO News, edition 24. Tagged: Newsletter Board blog Office for Legal Complaints
Managing unacceptable behaviour policy 02/12/2024 The Legal Ombudsman's guidance on managing unacceptable behaviour policy while in contact with someone using our service Tagged: consumer factsheets
Transparency and Reporting Impact 18/07/2024 A discussion paper on the options for publishing a wider range of information data about the decisions and complaints investigated by the Legal Ombudsman Tagged: Consultation Transparency governance
Equality, diversity and inclusion 07/08/2024 The Legal Ombudsman has a strategy for ensuring that the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are at the heart of everything we do – both as an employer and as a public service. Tagged: equality diversity inclusion