LeO welcomes LSB's framework for achieving a positive complaints culture 29/05/2024 Legal Ombudsman welcomes Legal Service Board’s framework for achieving a positive complaints culture
How We Work 26/03/2024 Every year we help resolve thousands of complaints about the legal service from consumers who are unhappy with their legal service provider. Tagged: common complaints Scheme Rules governance case studies Consumers Ombudsman regulated firms
13 March 2020 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 13 March 2020 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
Who We Are 13/05/2024 Our job is to help resolve disputes between consumers and legal service providers. We are independent and impartial and base our assessment on the evidence provided. We aim to reach a resolution that is fair and that works for everyone involved. We help consumers to resolve complaints. We also help legal service providers to better understand such complaints, so they don’t happen again. Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints OLC Legal Ombudsman Scheme How we work
OLC launches Scheme Rules consultation 26/03/2024 Office for Legal Complaints launches Scheme Rules consultation Tagged: Press release Scheme Rules
The transfer of CMC complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service 26/03/2024 The transfer of CMC complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service Tagged: factsheets CMCs CMC complaints transfer
Changes to the Legal Ombudsman's Scheme Rules 26/03/2024 Changes to the Legal Ombudsman's Scheme Rules article Tagged: news Scheme Rules
Legal Ombudsman launches new Scheme Rules 26/03/2024 Legal Ombudsman launches new Scheme Rules Tagged: Scheme Rules
Complaints process 26/03/2024 Our resources help consumers make informed choices about resolving a complaint with their legal service provider. Tagged: case studies FAQs factsheets accessibility make a complaint
Governance 06/08/2024 Information about the OLC and governance Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints Governance Legal Ombudsman Scheme Legal Service Board Executive Team Board OLC
Legal Ombudsman announces new Chief Ombudsman 26/03/2024 Legal Ombudsman announces new Chief Ombudsman Tagged: Chief Ombudsman
Guidance: An ombudsman’s view of good costs service – second edition 26/03/2024 Guidance: An ombudsman’s view of good costs service – second edition Tagged: Guidance