Preventing complaints 30/09/2024 Guidance and resources which highlight best practice in customer service and the key drivers for complaints Tagged: Preventing complaints Annual complaints data good costs services case studies good complaints handling training and events
Good complaints handling 26/03/2024 Guidance to ensure legal service providers are meeting their statutory requirements as well as best practive resources. Tagged: good complaints handling first tier complaints training and events How we work Complaints process lawyer information solicitor information
Customer Service Principles 26/03/2024 This page sets out the values and the customer service principles that provide the framework for how the Legal Ombudsman resolves disputes, conducts investigations and engages with stakeholders. The core values are: open, fair, independent, effecitive. The customer service principles are: we will always be clear with you / we will be understanding and approachable / we will make good use of everyone's time / we will be impartial, thorough and base our work on facts / we will make a difference. Tagged: complaints handling resolving disputes customer service principles
Learning Resources 26/03/2024 Guidance and resources to support you, as a legal service provider, to resolve complaints brought to you by your clients Tagged: training and events Preventing complaints complaints handling lawyer information solicitor information
Best practice complaint handling guide 26/03/2024 The aim of this guide is to help you improve the overall service you provide to your customers. By sharing best practice with you, we hope you will be able to reduce the number of complaints that are escalated to the Legal Ombudsman and improve service standards across the profession. Tagged: Signposting complaint handling best practice scheme rules language responding to complaints final response remedies
No poor service - conveyancing complaint 26/03/2024 Case study where it was found by the Legal Ombudsman that there was no poor service given... Tagged: Resolving complaints
Complaints about legal costs 30/09/2024 What legal providers, consumers and their representatives need to know when it comes to disputes about legal costs on a “no win, no fee” basis. Tagged: Preventing complaints
Investigating your complaint 26/03/2024 In this section we will tell you more about how we investigate your complaints. Tagged: investigating complaints factsheets Resolving complaints
Using a legal service provider 26/03/2024 Guidance on using legal service providers. Tagged: Consumer resources FAQs factsheets Conveyancing lawyer Divorce lawyer stamp duty home buyers first time buyers consumer factsheets good costs services Ombudsman decision data decision data
Technical advice desk 26/03/2024 Advice line for technical queries from service providers Tagged: How we work Our approach Scheme Rules FAQs case studies LeO process complaint handling advice
CMA: OLC response to the review of legal services 26/03/2024 CMA: OLC response to the review of legal services Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints Consultation
27 July 2020 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 27 July 2020 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
12 September 2018 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 12 September 2018 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
24 October 2019 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 24 October 2019 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
26 March 2020 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 26 March 2020 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance