Consultation on draft 2024-27 Strategy and 2024/25 Business Plan 26/03/2024 Consultation on draft 2024-27 Strategy and 2024/25 Business Plan
OLC launches consultation on the Business Plan and Budget for 2025/26 31/10/2024 OLC launches consultation on the Business Plan and Budget for 2025/26
OLC Chair's Blog- 2024-27 Strategy and 2024/25 Business Plan launch 03/05/2024 OLC Chair's Blog- 2024-27 Strategy and 2024/25 Business Plan launch
OLC Strategy 2024-27 and 2024/25 Business Plan 21/08/2024 OLC Strategy 2024-27 Tagged: Strategy strategy and business plan
Blog by Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC 26/03/2024 Chair of the OLC, Elisabeth Davies, discusses the eight-week consultation on the draft 2024-27 Strategy and 2024/25 Business Plan and Budget. Tagged: blog Board blog Strategy Business plan and budget
Blog by Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC 26/03/2024 Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC, provides an update on the Legal Ombudsman's 21/22 Business Plan. Tagged: Board blog OLC news
Reports and plans 21/08/2024 A summary of corporate reports and plans: Annual Report, Strategy and Business Plans and other corporate areas Tagged: Annual Report Strategy and business plan Reports and Plans Business plan and budget Service Complaint Adjudicator Report Gender pay gap report governance
Consultations 17/12/2024 Details of past and present consultations and the responses we have received Tagged: Consultation strategy and business plan Publishing our decisions Transparency and reporting governance
Consultation on our draft strategy for 2020-23 26/03/2024 Consultation-on-our-draft-strategy-for-2020-23 Tagged: Press release Office for Legal Complaints Consultation strategy and business plan
Blog by Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC 26/03/2024 Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC, provides an update on the Legal Ombudsman's 21/22 Business Plan Tagged: Board blog Newsletter Office for Legal Complaints
Publishing our decisions: An evidenced based response November 2011 26/03/2024 November 2011. Public response to publishing decisions consultation Tagged: Consultation strategy and business plan Scheme Rules Publishing our decisions