Consultations 17/12/2024 Details of past and present consultations and the responses we have received Tagged: Consultation strategy and business plan Publishing our decisions Transparency and reporting governance
Publishing our decisions: An evidenced based response November 2011 26/03/2024 November 2011. Public response to publishing decisions consultation Tagged: Consultation strategy and business plan Scheme Rules Publishing our decisions
Lack of evidence 26/03/2024 The solicitor and client were both unable to prove whether a payment for services had been made... Tagged: Our decisions
Underperforming inheritance investment 26/03/2024 Client complained about under performance of investments made at the solicitor's discretion Tagged: Our decisions
Policy Statement - Publishing our Decisions 26/03/2024 Our Policy Statement 2020 sets out why we publish the final decisions made by an ombudsman. Tagged: Policy statement Publishing decisions
Corporate policies 29/11/2024 Details of key corporate policies Tagged: Access to information Corporate policies Whistleblowing Publishing decisions
Policy statement: Publishing our decisions 26/03/2024 The Legal Services Act 2007 allows the Office for Legal Complaints (OLC) to publish reports of investigations or Ombudsman decisions if it considers it “appropriate to do so in any particular case”. In considering what the OLC considers to be “appropriate” for publication, it has been guided by the regulatory objectives of the Legal Services Act. Tagged: Publishing decisions Corporate policies Policy statement
Ruling that an offer is reasonable 26/03/2024 The ombudsman decision is that the offer for compensation, made by the solicitor, is reasonable. Tagged: Our rules
Can I complain if I've already accepted an offer? 26/03/2024 Offer accepted from service provider Tagged: Our rules
Client not advised about six month rule 26/03/2024 A woman who complained to her solicitor she had not been properly represented in court was not sign-posted to the Legal Ombudsman Tagged: Six month limit Our rules
Six month time limit - complaint accepted 26/03/2024 Case study - six month time limits Tagged: Our rules Six month limit
The LeO Process 26/03/2024 Guidance and resources on the ombudsman scheme Tagged: How we work Our approach Scheme Rules FAQs case studies LeO process
Technical advice desk 26/03/2024 Advice line for technical queries from service providers Tagged: How we work Our approach Scheme Rules FAQs case studies LeO process complaint handling advice