Best practice complaint handling guide 26/03/2024 The aim of this guide is to help you improve the overall service you provide to your customers. By sharing best practice with you, we hope you will be able to reduce the number of complaints that are escalated to the Legal Ombudsman and improve service standards across the profession. Tagged: Signposting complaint handling best practice scheme rules language responding to complaints final response remedies
Research and reports 26/03/2024 Research and reports on complaints handling Tagged: alternative dispute resolution DJS Legal Services Market Language of complaints Research and reports
Complaints about legal costs 30/09/2024 What legal providers, consumers and their representatives need to know when it comes to disputes about legal costs on a “no win, no fee” basis. Tagged: Preventing complaints
No poor service - conveyancing complaint 26/03/2024 Case study where it was found by the Legal Ombudsman that there was no poor service given... Tagged: Resolving complaints
Investigating your complaint 26/03/2024 In this section we will tell you more about how we investigate your complaints. Tagged: investigating complaints factsheets Resolving complaints
27 July 2020 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 27 July 2020 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
12 September 2018 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 12 September 2018 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
24 October 2019 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 24 October 2019 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
26 March 2020 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 26 March 2020 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
13 March 2020 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 13 March 2020 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
29 June 2020 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 29 June 2020 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
4 March 2020 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 4 March 2020 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
10 December 2018 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 10 December 2018 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance
9 July 2018 OLC board papers and minutes 26/03/2024 OLC board papers and minutes 9 July 2018 Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance