Whistleblowing policy and procedure 26/03/2024 This policy details the Legal Ombudsmans policy and procedures for whistleblowing Tagged: whistleblowing Corporate policies
Whistle blowing policy and procedure 26/03/2024 This section tells you more about our Whistleblowing policy and procedure Tagged: whistleblowing Corporate policies
Corporate Publications 26/03/2024 Corporate publications including annual reports, business plans and board information Tagged: Corporate resources FAQs Governance Reports and Plans Consultations Corporate policies
Corporate policies 29/11/2024 Details of key corporate policies Tagged: Access to information Corporate policies Whistleblowing Publishing decisions
Policy statement: Publishing our decisions 26/03/2024 The Legal Services Act 2007 allows the Office for Legal Complaints (OLC) to publish reports of investigations or Ombudsman decisions if it considers it “appropriate to do so in any particular case”. In considering what the OLC considers to be “appropriate” for publication, it has been guided by the regulatory objectives of the Legal Services Act. Tagged: Publishing decisions Corporate policies Policy statement
Business Plan 2019-20 26/03/2024 Business Plan 2019-20 Tagged: Annual priorities KPIs Business plan Corporate policies
Policy statement – approach to complaints where the respondent also provides non-legal services 26/03/2024 Policy statement – approach to complaints where the respondent also provides non-legal services Tagged: Policy statement Non-legal services Non-legal service providers Corporate policies
Information Centre 26/03/2024 All the key information, data, plans and reports from the Legal Ombudsman. Tagged: Information centre Corporate resources Learning resources Data centre FAQs Case studies news