Blog by Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC 26/03/2024 Elisabeth Davies, Chair of the OLC, provides an update on the Legal Ombudsman's 21/22 Business Plan. Tagged: Board blog OLC news
Governance 06/08/2024 Information about the OLC and governance Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints Governance Legal Ombudsman Scheme Legal Service Board Executive Team Board OLC
Reports and plans 21/08/2024 A summary of corporate reports and plans: Annual Report, Strategy and Business Plans and other corporate areas Tagged: Annual Report Strategy and business plan Reports and Plans Business plan and budget Service Complaint Adjudicator Report Gender pay gap report governance
Chief Ombudsman's introduction: a step change and an evolution 14/05/2024 The Office for Legal Complaints’ latest Annual Report and Accounts, published this week, highlights the step-change LeO has made in 2022/23. As we commit to staying the course in improving our service, we’re also looking ahead to the LeO of the future. Tagged: LeO News Annual Report Strategy
Guidance: Scheme Rules 26/03/2024 Guidance on the scheme rules Tagged: Scheme Rules Legal Ombudsman Scheme
Our organisation 06/08/2024 This page shows the members of the Office for Legal Complaints, the Executive team of the Legal Ombudsman and the Ombudsman team. Tagged: Board Ombudsman Executive Team Chief Ombudsman Chief Operating Officer Ombudsman team meet the team
Useful organisations 08/05/2024 This page includes information about regulators and advice / support organisations that may be useful to members of the public. Tagged: Signposting Useful organisations Helpful information Legal Ombudsman or SRA? Legal Ombudsman or CLC?
Our responses to consultations 26/03/2024 Responses sent by the Legal Ombudsman to other organisations consultations and discussions. Tagged: Closed consultations Consultation responses governance