OLC publishes 2021/22 Annual Report and Accounts for the Legal Ombudsman 15/05/2024 OLC publishes 2021/22 Annual report and Accounts for the Legal Ombudsman
Legal Ombudsman responds to SRA Handbook reforms consultation 26/03/2024 Legal Ombudsman responds to SRA Handbook reforms consultation Tagged: Consultation
Office for Legal Complaints publishes 2022/23 Annual Report and Accounts 26/03/2024 Office for Legal Complaints publishes 2022/23 Annual Report and Accounts Tagged: Press release
Legal Ombudsman announces new Chief Ombudsman 26/03/2024 Legal Ombudsman announces new Chief Ombudsman Tagged: Chief Ombudsman
OLC launches Scheme Rules consultation 26/03/2024 Office for Legal Complaints launches Scheme Rules consultation Tagged: Press release Scheme Rules
Office for Legal Complaints publishes 2023/24 Annual Report and Accounts 24/07/2024 Office for Legal Complaints publishes 2023/24 Annual Report and Accounts
OLC publishes new strategy and business plan for LeO 03/05/2024 Office for Legal Complaints publishes new strategy and business plan for the Legal Ombudsman
Office for Legal Complaints - Rules of procedure 26/03/2024 Rules of Procedure for the OLC Tagged: Rules of procedure OLC Office for Legal Complaints Legal Ombudsman Scheme
Who We Are 13/05/2024 Our job is to help resolve disputes between consumers and legal service providers. We are independent and impartial and base our assessment on the evidence provided. We aim to reach a resolution that is fair and that works for everyone involved. We help consumers to resolve complaints. We also help legal service providers to better understand such complaints, so they don’t happen again. Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints OLC Legal Ombudsman Scheme How we work
The price of separation: Divorce related legal complaints and their causes 26/03/2024 The price of separation: Divorce related legal complaints and their causes
Governance agreements 26/03/2024 Agreements which set out the working relationship between the Legal Ombudsman and other external stakeholders Tagged: Office for Legal Complaints governance Memorandum of Understanding
OLC Operating framework 26/03/2024 Section 117 of the Legal Services Act requires the Legal Ombudsman to “have regard to such generally accepted principles of good corporate governance as it is reasonable to regard as applicable to it”. The purpose of this document is to demonstrate how the OLC is discharging this obligation under the Act. Tagged: OLC Operating framework OLC Office for Legal Complaints
OLC publishes 2023/24 Budget, Business Plan and Interim Strategy 14/05/2024 The Office for Legal Complaints has published its Business Plan and Budget for 2023/24 for the Legal Ombudsman (LeO), together with an interim strategy for 2023-24.