The complaint

Ms N instructed the firm to represent her during a re-mortgage transaction. Ms N was not happy with the firm’s service and complained that they delayed in completing the transaction. Ms N said that over time, this delay would cause her a financial loss of £380, which was the difference in the monthly cost between the old mortgage and the new one.  

In response to Ms N’s complaint, the firm offered £100 by way of compensation as a gesture of goodwill. Ms N declined this.   

The outcome

We invited the firm to engage in guided negotiation which they accepted. This is because the firm were willing to resolve the complaint and it may have been possible to come to an agreement between the firm and Ms N without a full investigation.  

We informed the firm that our recommended remedy would be £400-£500 if we were to uphold Ms N’s complaints. This figure included compensation for the financial loss of £380 as alleged by Ms N, and compensation within the modest award for the inconvenience that this had caused her.  

The firm then offered £300 but, following further negotiations, they increased their offer to £450 which Ms N then accepted.  

The case was therefore resolved without the need for an investigation.